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A member registered Nov 22, 2018

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I would, if the game allowed movement when the clock began to chime. I am physically stopped in whatever place im in, and cannot walk around, let alone run. 

game is unplayable past the first few rooms, I keep getting stopped on the first chase scene and can't run even though the path through the gallery is clear. Every time the clock goes off the character physically stops and because of that I get a game over.

Yeah! that's perfect, thank you!

I was lucky enough to receive this game through the bundle for Racial Justice and Equality, and already I am hooked. However, one thing I always struggle with is getting different endings, are there any known walkthroughs or official guides I can use once I play through each route blind?

Okay so the code it gives me is Fatal Error code '0x887A0006'. Hopefully the restart will clear things up for me. 

For a game in development for only two or so months, it looks so cute and soft! The animal character designs look great and I can already see some personality to them in the screenshots so I can't wait to see what else you produce. I got a lot of respect for solo devs, yall do so much to make these games.

Alright I'll try that, but before I do, do you want the error code number? It might help but I'm not 100% sure.

Hey! So this already looks like a really nice game, however I am unable to play it as Unreal Engine is supposedly missing the D3D file and causing the game to crash before the menu even comes up.